Our 2024 Graduates Living and Working Independently

Our 2024 Graduates Living and Working Independently

Tomorrow is the day of Graduation for our two Discover students, Danny and Ruthie, so we’re bringing you a bonus blog to wrap up our series highlighting them and their journeys at the Discover Program.

In the previous two blogs, we covered the graduate’s experience arriving at Discover, and the things they worked on while at the program. Today we talked to Danny and Ruthie about the things they have accomplished, their vocational opportunities, and their goals for the future. 

Ruthie at her training condo home, partaking in one of her favorite hobbies, sewing

“I’m looking forward to independence and having my own schedule” Ruthie said. “Just do whatever I want and learn new things!” When asked what independence means to her, Ruthie said. “Being more responsible and accountable.”

Danny with his coworkers at Creations Madison

We also asked Danny what personal accomplishments he was proud of.  “I’m very proud to have paid employment,” Danny said. “And I like working so much.” Danny works at Creations Madison, Vista’s gift shop that supports programming for our students and members. “I started in June 2022,” Danny said. “I got the job by interviewing, and then I’ve worked there ever since. I’m a hard-working kind of person.”

During her time at the Discover Program, Ruthie was able to work at both the Westbrook and Madison Campus’ administrative offices. “I’ll continue to work at reception,” Ruthie said. “But now that I’m fully moved into my apartment, I'm going to be looking for a job down in Old Saybrook.”

Thanks to Ruthie and Danny for sharing their journeys at the Discover Program with us, and good luck tomorrow at Graduation! Everyone here at Vista is so proud of the things that you both have accomplished.

You are all invited to join us tomorrow for Graduation 2024 at The Katharine Hepburn Cultural Arts Center in Old Saybrook. Admission is free, but we request that you RSVP in advance by clicking the button below or visiting https://www.vistalifeinnovations.org/graduation.

Until next week…